Thursday, December 25, 2008


I have recreated my blog today with a look toward setting a different tone. I am thankful for so many things, most especially my family and my wonderful friends. Please pray for my brother, Barry, who still remains in intensive care. He has a long battle ahead of him and many serious health issues for someone so young.

My brother and I were talking about our Christmases when we were growing up. We really did have great Christmases and I know it was all mom's doing. My father didn't make much money and mom didn't work, as most mothers didn't back them. But you would have never known it around Christmas time. It wasn't until years later that I learned that my mother's mom, my Grandma Brooks, never celebrated Christmas. And it was even years after that when mom told me that dad had never once given her a present for any occasion. I tried to make mom's Christmases special and I enjoyed shopping for her. I couldn't wait for the packages to get to her and I would call her every day. How she loved getting presents. I was talking to one of my other brothers today, Roger, and he said of all the kids, I had taken the best care of mom. I don't feel that I did. We had our problems, but I never forgot a birthday, Mother's day or Christmas. Not one time, no matter where I was.

I tried to make Christmas special for my children and my grandchildren. This time of year is hard for me in that we are so far away and they won't have the memories of our Christmases together. But I do know that they know I love them, and I guess that is the most important part of all.

Here's a video I made some time ago in memory of my father. I always miss him most this time of year. My mother, too. I am making a video of her and will post when I am done. God bless everyone!

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