Monday, January 5, 2009

Autopsy Results in On Jett Travolta - Update

There were no injuries or sign of head trauma on the body of Jett Travolta, which was in "great condition", Glen Campbell, assistant director of the Bahamian funeral home handling the remains of the 16-year-old, told the Associated Press.

The description contradicted police claims that the boy had hit his head on a bathtub when he died on Friday at the family's holiday home on Grand Bahama Island.

Mr Campbell said the teenager's death certificate listed the only cause of death as a "seizure". The results of the examination were not released publicly.

Jett was not, as was reported, left alone at the time of his death. He was in the company of two nannies.

1 comment:

  1. This is so tragic.. made even more so by irresponsible web-reporting.. people should just let this family grieve in peace!
