Congressman Frank Wolf Criticizes Obama Administration for Silence During UN Review of China's Human Rights Record
Reprinted with permission from www.ChinaAid.org
MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- In remarks on the House floor on February 9, ChinaAid learned that Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) criticized the Obama Administration for failing to actively participate in a United Nations review of the human rights records of "four of the worst offenders of human rights and religious freedom in the world": China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Congressman Wolf said he was "disappointed" that the United States has been silent during the Universal Periodic Review, the review occurring only every four years, by the U.N. Human Rights Council. "The Obama Administration made a pledge to place human rights at the top of its agenda," Wolf said. "By staying silent, it is off to the wrong start."
In addition speaking on the floor, Rep. Wolf sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voicing his disappointment. (See link below.) Below are Rep. Wolf's prepared remarks for the House titled "U.S. Delegation Silent at U.N. Review of Human Rights Abusers":
"The United Nations Human Rights Council is now conducting reviews of the human rights records of 16 countries-among which are China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Russia.
"While the United States is not a member of the Human Rights Council, every member of the U.N. has an opportunity to pose questions and raise concerns about the human rights record of the country being reviewed.
"I was shocked and disappointed to learn that for the last week, the U.S. delegation has been silent. How can America say nothing about four of the worst offenders of human rights and religious freedom in the world?
"China has been designated by the State Department's annual Religious Freedom report as a country of particular concern every year since 1999. And the U.S. delegation has remained silent.
"Saudi Arabia, too, has received this designation for the past four years. And the U.S. delegation has remained silent.
"The U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom placed Cuba on their watch list in 2008. And the U.S. delegation has remained silent.
"This administration made a pledge to place human rights at the top of its agenda. The administration is off to the wrong start on making human rights a priority."
(See remarks at http://wolf.house.gov/)
ChinaAid wishes to express gratitude to Rep. Wolf and other U.S. officials who are holding the Chinese government accountable for abuse against citizens because of their faith.
See Congressman Wolf's remarks here
I don't know if anyone is keeping track, but it doesn't appear that Obama has done one thing he said he was going to do. Shocker.
There are many people being imprisoned and tortured because of their faith, especially in China. This is one of the reasons I vehemently opposed the Olympics being held in China and felt the U.S. should have abstained. We greatly compromised our principles on that one. Imagine what the political and religious prisoners must have thought hearing the sounds of people rejoicing while they lay in their filthy cells.
Isn't it funny that Ashley Judd will make a fool of herself with her video about Sarah Palin and the wolves but not a peep about the religious prisoners who die for their faith in the world. Pathetic.
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