I know the picture is hard to see, but if you click on it, you can read it very well.
Obama's Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings, appears to have no problem with what these books say. How about you?
With the revelations that President Obama's choice for Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, failed to inform anyone about a charge of pedophilia by an under-aged student along with his history of promoting homosexuality in schools, his demonstrated contempt for religion and past drug use, many people and pundits are asking -- "Where is the Vetting"? With Richardson, Daschle, Geitner and Jones all having issues that were easily search-able using this revolutionary top-secrete technology called Google... I have a different take, I think these people were vetted and they are exactly the folks that Obama and his team wanted in these positions!
Any talk of vetting mistakes or mistakenly overlooking potions of their life and history is completely bunk and should call attention to a total breakdown and fundamental incompetency of this administration.
Which brings us to Kevin Jennings, Obama's choice for Safe Schools Czar, with his checkered past and connection too and admiration for a constant defender of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), Harry Hay
Hay had strong opinions and never pandered to popular opinion when he voiced them — whether he was attacking national gay organizations for what he saw as their increasingly conservative political positions ("The assimilationist movement is running us into the ground," he told the San Francisco Chronicle in July 2000) or when he condemned the national gay press — in particular, the Advocate — for its emphasis on consumerism. He was, at times, a serious political embarrassment, as when he consistently advocated the inclusion of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in gay-pride parades.
Mark Tapscott repoted in the Washington Examiner today:
...Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.
Roman provides damning details and links here. She also notes that Jennings wrote the forward "to a book called Queering Elementary Education. And another fellow you may have heard of wrote one of the endorsements on the book jacket—Bill Ayers." Ayers, of course, is the Weather Underground bomber from the 1960s who is just an "acquaintance" of Obama.
UPDATE: Who was Harry Hay?
Folks at Media Matters are agitated by the above post and others pointing out Jennings' praise of Harry Hay and the latter's link to NAMBLA. Hay was not an employee or official of NAMBLA, but was during his later years, according to his entry on Wikipedia, a frequent defender of the group, including this 1983 statement: "[I]f the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world."
MM has a point - Jennings praise of Hay was not specifically in the context of the latter's support of NAMBLA. Readers will decide for themselves whether it is appropriate for an individual who publicly praised an advocate of pedophilia to be appointed Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education for Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
Roman’s link on Harry Hay and NAMBLA:
“One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society [the first American homosexual “rights” group]. It took him two years to find one other person who would join. Well, [in] 1993, Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before. Everybody thought Harry Hay was crazy in 1948, and they knew something about him which he apparently did not—they were right, he was crazy. You are all crazy. We are all crazy. All of us who are thinking this way are crazy, because you know what? Sane people keep the world the same [sh*tty] old way it is now. It’s the people who think, ‘No, I can envision a day when straight people say, ‘So what if you’re promoting homosexuality?’ Or straight kids say, ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to the prom and try on your tuxes on at my house?’ That if we believe that can happen, we can make it happen. The only thing that will stop us is our lack of faith that we can make it happen. That is our mission from this day forward. To not lose our faith, to not lose our belief that the world can, indeed, be a different place. And think how much can change in one lifetime if in Harry Hay’s one very short life, he saw change from not even one person willing to join him to a million people willing to travel to Washington to join him. You can see the same changed happen in your lifetime if you believe you can.”
Barack Obama said, during the primary, "judge me by the people I surround myself with" Well you be the judge...
Read more about this here
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