Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Happy Birthday Mom, Gone But Not Forgotten
My mother passed from this earth to her eternal life and salvation on June 7, 2007. The last time I talked to her was Mother's Day of 2007. I had sent her some summer gowns to wear. I was worried because she didn't really like sleeveless gowns, and when I had not heard from her by the afternoon, I called to make sure she had gotten them and liked them. We had a good conversation. It had been increasingly difficult to get in touch with my mother in the last several years of her life as my brother had taken to moving her about from place to place, something none of my other brothers and I approved of, but we had not idea the extent he had taken from her until after all was said and done. The old saying about knowing what you had until it was gone is so very true. The fact is, I loved my mother with all my heart, but ours was a somewhat adversarial relationship, mostly on my part. I felt I had never pleased either of my parents and despite all of my hard work, that I never would. Also, there was the fact that my mother favored my youngest brother over the rest of us. Despite what she said, actions, as they say, speak louder than words. I had 4 brothers and 3 of them knew where they stood with mom. I was looking at some old slides last night and it hit me very poignantly that we had some great Christmases and it was all mom's doing. Dad just wasn't into Christmas. He watched from a distance and smiled, but I knew even at a young age that he had no real interest in it. It was years after my father's death before I knew that my father had never bought my mother a gift of any kind for any occasion. I never knew that as a child. Or even a teenager. Or even an adult. How had I missed that? My mother was 300% committed to my father. I never heard them argue in front of me. None of us did. I never knew of them to talk about finances in front of us. I never knew of them to be ununited on ANYTHING in front of us. It was the kind of marriage I wanted for myself, but never had. They don't make marriages like that anymore, at least not many. So mom, as you watch from above, this is for you.
In this picture from probably the 1940s, mom is the one one the left. She is with her sisters, Ola in the middle, and Louise on the right. My Aunt Louise died last year and she was the end of the sisters, but were they not beautiful? I think women back then were much prettier and more feminine than women today. I think it would be good to go back to those times, when life was simpler and sweeter. But wasn't my mom a Betty! Seriously, she had the most beautiful ice-blue eyes and the nicest legs. Gee I wish I had told her that when she was alive. Happy Mother's Day, mom. You deserved so much more than you got. But I can say, I never failed to send you a card in all my life, or to call, or send you a gift. I will always love you.
In this picture from probably the 1940s, mom is the one one the left. She is with her sisters, Ola in the middle, and Louise on the right. My Aunt Louise died last year and she was the end of the sisters, but were they not beautiful? I think women back then were much prettier and more feminine than women today. I think it would be good to go back to those times, when life was simpler and sweeter. But wasn't my mom a Betty! Seriously, she had the most beautiful ice-blue eyes and the nicest legs. Gee I wish I had told her that when she was alive. Happy Mother's Day, mom. You deserved so much more than you got. But I can say, I never failed to send you a card in all my life, or to call, or send you a gift. I will always love you.
Glenn Beck Exposes Obama, Liar in Chief
I sometimes wonder if there is anything about Obama that is true. Surely, his TWO autobiographies are filled with "facts" that simply are not true. He even goes so far as to slur his grandmother, who so lovingly raised him, as a "typical white person" who fears blacks. At this point, I am not sure why any "typical white person" would vote for him, simply for that remark, or how any black person could vote for him, given his undying support for Planned Parenthood and their racial cleansing agenda, no matter that he states they do mammograms, which they simply do not and never have, though I see them getting the equipment in the near future as a facade for their racing cleansing agenda.
Enjoy as Glenn Beck exposes only some of the lies Obama has told. When someone lies so easily, can more sinister things be far from the surface. I think no.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Abortion and Regret - Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
FLIPSYDE | MySpace Music Videos
"Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black."
--Erma Clardy Craven (deceased)
Social Worker and Civil Rights Leader
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Margaret Sanger and the KKK
If ever there was clear evidence that Margaret Sanger was a racist, the picture above should serve as proof, however, one need only read her words to remove all doubt. In her autobiography, Margaret wrote
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)And how does the world's leading provider of mammograms celebrate Black History Month? After all, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood. Here's how: From My Lord Kate, a site educating Christian women, we have this about Margaret Sanger:
One woman who really exemplified a person whose philosophy leads only to death was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Truly her heart was “snares and nets” and her hands were chains of death for millions of defenseless babies. Rather than go into a detailed account of her life and misdeeds, I would like to strongly recommend a book for you to read: Killer Angels, by George Grant. He tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths of our day – that Planned Parenthood was founded by a heroine who only wants to help girls with birth control. But did you know that Ms. Sanger was actually a devotee of Darwin and believed in eugenics as a means to reduce the population of the “less fit”, including “inferior races” such as “Negroes”? I’ll let her speak for herself: Referring to blacks, immigrants, and indigents in her work, Pivot of Civilization, she said, they are “human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning . . . human beings who never should have been born.” In this same work she also said, “Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying . . . demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism.” On birth control, she said that its purpose is “to create a race of thoroughbreds.” (Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921, p. 2). Of course these superior beings would not include Blacks. Maybe you are thinking that those racist ideas were only her own. Surely, today things are different, right? Wrong. Take a look at these statistics to see that Planned Parenthood carries on her legacy: 85 years after the Planned Parenthood founder spoke at a KKK rally (more about this in a minute), this is what it is like at Planned Parenthood: *A black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby. *Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined. *Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history. *Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. *About 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions.Please read the remainder of the post here In his post about how Planned Parenthood Duped America, Pastor Clenard Childress, Jr., on the Website writes:
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South." Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted. While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others. These eugenic and racial origins are hardly what most people associate with the modern Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), which gave its Margaret Sanger award to the late Dr. Martin Luther King in 1966, and whose current president, Faye Wattleton, is black, a former nurse, and attractive. Though once a social pariah group, routinely castigated by religious and government leaders, the PPFA is now an established, high-profile, well-funded organization with ample organizational and ideological support in high places of American society and government. Its statistics are accepted by major media and public health officials as "gospel"; its full-page ads appear in major newspapers; its spokespeople are called upon to give authoritative analyses of what America's family policies should be and to prescribe official answers that congressmen, state legislator and Supreme Court justices all accept as "social orthodoxy."Please visit his website for more on this excellent article. In a post by Perry Drake from, titled "The Long, Sad, Violent History of Democrats' Racial Hatred for Blacks" he writes:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has always seemed unnatural and unwise to me whenever I hear someone who's been slandered by a particularly egregious lie reply that they're not going to dignify that accusation with a response. For it has always been crystal clear to me that whenever your honor, integrity and reputation are called into question that you should be quick, thorough and – when circumstances demand – quite loud in defense of them. Otherwise, people will assume that the accusation must carry some weight and the falsity levied against you just might end up sticking. That's what has happened to the political party that I belong to – the Republicans. For decades the Party of Lincoln has been under almost constant assault for being "racist" and "openly hostile" to blacks. However, nothing could be further from the truth – but you would never know it by the party's spineless, practically nonexistent defense of its record on race and civil rights. From the days of Lincoln until the present, blacks have had no better friend, party-wise, than the Republicans. Since its inception in the mid-19th century, the GOP has built an exemplary record on civil rights, particularly if you want to use the Democrat Party as a comparison. The party's first president, Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, the height of the Civil War, squelching any chance that the European powers of the day would intervene in the conflict in favor of the Confederacy. With the stroke of his pen, Lincoln destroyed the last real hope the Confederacy had for a victory. Soon after the war ended, it was a Republican-controlled Congress that rammed through the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution that, among other things, abolished slavery, guaranteed equal protection and due process and addressed blacks' right to vote. In the late 19th century, Democrat governors and Democrat-controlled state legislatures in the South couldn't pass Jim Crow laws fast enough. Those Democrats created a nearly century-long, legal racial caste system that relegated blacks to the lowest educational, political, economic and social strata. I have family members who grew up under Jim Crow. To hear them tell it, it weren't no joke. And let us not forget that during the same period it was Democrats throughout the United States who organized and ran America's premier terrorist organization – the Ku Klux Klan. And speaking of the Klan, remember the great Democrat President Woodrow Wilson? After a screening of D.W. Griffith's paean to the Ku Klux Klan, "Birth of a Nation," Wilson, turned-movie critic, said of the film: "It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true." Needless to say, the NAACP had a different outlook. After its viewing, the civil rights organization was mortified to the point of launching a nationwide protest in 1915 against the film. The group was equally appalled by President Wilson's comments and it launched a public protest against him. Before we move on, one more thing about President Wilson. He was the president who led our nation into WWI with the ringing declaration that it was to make the world "safe for democracy." In Woodrow's mind, though, "democracy" applied to everyone except those annoying little dark-skinned people in America who are always clamoring for civil rights. In 1913, Wilson introduced segregation into the federal government. Yes, dear readers, the man who is worshipped as the utmost "progressive" (where and by who have you heard that term used lately?) of his time allowed federal officials to segregate "toilets, cafeterias and work" areas of various federal departments. It was left to Wilson's successor, Republican Warren G. Harding to scrap the segregation policy. And Warren G. didn't stop there. In 1922, Harding delivered a bold speech in Birmingham, Ala., (A Democrat stronghold that was later known by blacks as "Bombingham") in which he called for black equality. Up to then, no U.S. president had ever spoken so forcefully about civil rights. Harding was elected in 1920. Funny thing about the Republican Party platform that Harding ran under. It called for federal anti-lynching legislation. Guess which party didn't? If you said Democrat, go to the head of the line. Moving on, in answer to the burgeoning civil rights movement in the '50s, it was Democrat governors and Democrat-controlled state legislatures in the South that placed the Confederate battle flag on their state capitol flags. It's an issue that continues to inflame racial passions even today. In 1957, Orval Faubus, the governor of Arkansas, called out his state's National Guard to prevent the integration of Central High School in Little Rock. In response, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent U.S. troops to the city to escort nine frightened black teens into the school past riotous mobs inflamed by Faubus' defiance of a federal court order. Faubus was a Democrat. Eisenhower was a Republican. On June 11, 1963, Alabama Gov. George Wallace stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to block its integration. Wallace was a Democrat. Now, I grant you, John F. Kennedy was the Democrat president who federalized the Alabama National Guard and ordered its units to the university to force its doors open to black students. But it's not generally known that the then-Sen. Kennedy – with an eye on the Democrat presidential nomination for 1960 – voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the law that really got the ball rolling on federal civil rights legislation. And it was Kennedy's brother, Robert, who in 1964 assisted the FBI's efforts to destroy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by approving the wiretapping of the man considered the heart and soul of the civil rights movement. And to think at one time you could find in black homes across the nation what I used to call the Black Person's Trinity: chintzy, black-velvet portraits of JFK, RFK and Dr. King painted side by side.Please visit here for remainder of the article. This is the first in my ongoing historical view of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and the Democratic Party through history.
Woman Gives Planned Parenthood I-Pods so Women Can Avoid Hearing Fetal Heartbeats
This just in from Texas in an article written by Billy Hallowell for The Blaze. My thought is that if you need an I-Pod to drown out the child you are murdering, don't you then know what you are doing is wrong?
Woman Gives Planned Parenthood iPods So TX Women Can Avoid Hearing Fetal Heartbeats Before Abortions
Posted on May 4, 2012 at 8:32pm by Billy Hallowell Print » Email » Comments (182) Pro-choice advocates have made their stance clear on the ultrasound bills that have been advanced in localities across America (hint: they don’t like them).
So, one woman has come up with a plan that she believes could help temper the requirement that a woman hear their unborn child’s heartbeat before proceeding with an abortion. Her solution? Fundraising to provide iPods to Planned Parenthood offices, among other clinics.
But before understanding why someone would launch a campaign to purchase these devices for clinic usage, one must first comprehend how these increasingly-popular sonogram laws work. On, Lucy LeFever provides a specific description about how the newly-minted Texas sonogram mandate functions:
In many states, pro-life groups have successfully enacted laws requiring women to receive an ultrasound before an abortion procedure. Texas law goes one step farther, requiring women seeking abortion to hear their children’s heartbeats and a medical explanation of the sonogram.
Denise Paolucci, a 35-year-old who is the co-founder of the Dreamwidth web site, came up with the idea to offer women the popular music-playing devices after a trip to the dentist. Her doctor, in an effort to drown out the sound of his drill, offered her an iPod.
Please read the rest of the article here
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Death of Bin Laden, One Year Later
Obama capitalizes on the one thing done right during his administration, leaves out kudos to Navy Seals. Obama may be making the death of al Qaeda's leader a big campaign issue, but there's something else to consider...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Michelle Malkin on The View, Even Years Later, It's Still All About Bush
Even years later, it is still all about Bush. The look Michelle Malkin gives Joy near the end when she ONCE AGAIN brings up Bush is priceless. Joy is the poster child for liberalism, blame, blame, blame. Would you not think the panel could have read the book before calling the author to task? Whoopi used a talking point obviously given to her that was not even included in the book! Then Joy admits she read "some of it." I'll just bet she did because you sure can't tell from her questions, which did not consist of anything except it was all about Bush. The View is a joke and anyone who puts any stock at all in their opinions are fools. They absolutely know nothing except that we must place the blame on the right wing, as Joy labels Michelle in this video. I like Elizabeth, but she is often not strong enough to counter the other voices here. Barbara Walters often took to task the liberal voices for facts that were in fact not factual at all.
Bill Whittle: Generations, Liberal Indoctrination has Failed Our Children
Kids these days. The number of young people who deny the Moon landings is increasing. But can you blame them? The education system is failing today's children, so one cannot be shocked when young adults deny the existence of the Apollo program. Some are surprised to learn that there really was a ship called the Titanic, and many do not even know when World War II happened. How can we improve education? Bill Whittle gives today's kids a simple solution.
PJ Media discusses, Is California Still the Golden State
Loved this comment on the video: To be honest, Gov. Moonbeam only won one quarter of the state. It just happen to be the quarter where the population is. LOL California should be split in two. The coast, and Sacramento, can be called, "Mexcifornia", and the rest will be call, "California". In 5 years, "Mexcifornia" will still have High Unemployment, and be broke. And, "California" won't. Enough said.
Bill Whittle Remembers Andrew Breitbart, A Country Worth Dying For

I found myself disagreeing with Bill at first. It seemed like almost an attack on Andrew Brietbart. In the end, I realized that he missed his friend and that Andrew's zeal for the truth and his constant monitoring of those who hated him probably shortened his life. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. We will all miss Andrew, who died too young at the age of 43, leaving behind a wife and 4 young children. What an amazing difference he made.
From Breitbart Big Government: Monsters in the Classroom, NYC Teachers Union Reinstates Alleged Molesters

NEW YORK – What are parents to do when their child comes home from school with stories about "this creepy guy in my class" – and it turns out to be the teacher?
That’s a very real concern for parents with children in New York City public schools, where 14 teachers of highly dubious character have been reinstated to the classroom – and two others have been given "desk duty" – thanks to appeals by their powerful teachers union, the United Federation of Teachers. reports that 16 teachers "kept their jobs after being brought up on egregious charges, some sexual, some involving excessive personal familiarity with students."
A few examples:
Gym and health teacher Willie Laraque was charged with bending a male student over a desk, leaning in to him and saying, "I’ll show you what is gay." The Daily News reports Laraque is back in the classroom after paying a $10,000 fine.
Norman Siegel, a high school teacher, was accused of pressing his genitalia against a female student’s leg. Siegel only received a 45-day unpaid suspension, "although the arbitrator found that the girl’s charge was likely true" and that Siegel "was previously accused of a similar offense," the Daily News writes.
For remainder of article read here
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Louis Farrakhan hate speech explains that breeding with whites is the end of your race.
Posted on April 13, 2012 at 5:50pm by Billy Hallowell THE BLAZE
Louis Farrakhan, The Nation of Islam’s infamous leader, is known for issuing some bizarre commentary on a variety of social and political issues. Earlier this week, while speaking at Alabama A&M University, Farrakhan made the curious claim that Jesus was a black Muslim. On Thursday night, while giving an address at Jefferson Street Missionary Baptist church in Nashville, Tennessee, his questionable ideals continued to flow.
The faith leader, who is known for his fiery sermons, doesn’t need to look far to find a catalyst for his seemingly never-ending personal angst. Even the event’s location was a point of contention for the minister. After his plans to speak at Tennessee State University (TSU) fell through, Farrakhan accused the higher education facility of purposefully keeping him off of the campus.
“What was wrong with me coming up on the campus?,” he asked the audience. “Well, I want you to go back after this lecture and tell them Farrakhan wants to come and we‘ve invited him again and I’m coming back — no lies! No excuse!”
In a phone interview with The Blaze, TSU spokesperson Rick Delahaya denied Farrakhan’s claims about the location of the event.
“It never was supposed to be held out here. There was a big conflict with campus facilities,” Delahaya explained. “We were trying to work with them…the facilities that they were requesting — they just weren’t available.”
Please see video below. For rest of article, please read here
On a personal note, since I lived in a very strict Muslim country, Saudia Arabia, for a year, and had more than ample opportunity to visit with those of the Muslim faith while there, I was "schooled" that Jesus was not the son of God but a false prophet, Mohammed being the true prophet. There is no way that any one of the Muslims in that country would have held to Farrakhan's bizarre belief system, thus showing that not only is Farrakhan a joke, he has bastardized Christian history to suit his own nefarious agenda. The man is a fool. How dismaying to see all those faces in the audience grinning and praising him in agreement.
Louis Farrakhan, The Nation of Islam’s infamous leader, is known for issuing some bizarre commentary on a variety of social and political issues. Earlier this week, while speaking at Alabama A&M University, Farrakhan made the curious claim that Jesus was a black Muslim. On Thursday night, while giving an address at Jefferson Street Missionary Baptist church in Nashville, Tennessee, his questionable ideals continued to flow.
The faith leader, who is known for his fiery sermons, doesn’t need to look far to find a catalyst for his seemingly never-ending personal angst. Even the event’s location was a point of contention for the minister. After his plans to speak at Tennessee State University (TSU) fell through, Farrakhan accused the higher education facility of purposefully keeping him off of the campus.
“What was wrong with me coming up on the campus?,” he asked the audience. “Well, I want you to go back after this lecture and tell them Farrakhan wants to come and we‘ve invited him again and I’m coming back — no lies! No excuse!”
In a phone interview with The Blaze, TSU spokesperson Rick Delahaya denied Farrakhan’s claims about the location of the event.
“It never was supposed to be held out here. There was a big conflict with campus facilities,” Delahaya explained. “We were trying to work with them…the facilities that they were requesting — they just weren’t available.”
Please see video below. For rest of article, please read here
On a personal note, since I lived in a very strict Muslim country, Saudia Arabia, for a year, and had more than ample opportunity to visit with those of the Muslim faith while there, I was "schooled" that Jesus was not the son of God but a false prophet, Mohammed being the true prophet. There is no way that any one of the Muslims in that country would have held to Farrakhan's bizarre belief system, thus showing that not only is Farrakhan a joke, he has bastardized Christian history to suit his own nefarious agenda. The man is a fool. How dismaying to see all those faces in the audience grinning and praising him in agreement.
National Right to Life endorses Mitt Romney for President.
By Carol Tobias, National Right to Life President
Editor’s note. The following is the opening statement from National Right to Life’s press conference this morning at which NRLC endorsed Mitt Romney for President.
National Right to Life is proud and honored to endorse Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States.
On pro-life issues, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama provide a stark contrast. As the country’s most pro-abortion president, Barack Obama has pursued a radical pro-abortion agenda. It is now time for pro-life Americans to unite behind Mitt Romney. For the sake of unborn children, the disabled, and the elderly, we must win.
Let’s review President Obama’s abysmal record on life.
On his second day in office, January 22, 2009, President Obama issued a statement reaffirming his commitment to defend the Roe v Wade ruling, which gave us abortion on demand. On his third day in office, he overturned the “Mexico City Policy” so that hundreds of millions of our tax dollars would be given to organizations that perform and promote abortion overseas. Our tax dollars are given to organizations that go into heavily pro-life countries in Central and South America, and Africa, and are used to lobby against the current pro-life laws in those countries.
Another of his early acts was to release $50 million to the United Nations Population Fund – an agency that had received no U.S. funds under the Bush Administration because of its involvement in China’s one-child population-control program, which relies heavily upon forced abortion as part of their population control policy. Forced abortions among women who violate the one-child policy in China are commonplace and sometimes carried out up to nine months of pregnancy. They can be so violent that the women die along with their full term babies.
President Obama authorized taxpayer funding of research that requires killing human embryos.
Last spring, the United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill to permanently prohibit any federal program from funding elective abortion. Prior to the vote, the Obama administration attacked the bill and threatened to veto it if passed. He wants our hard-earned tax dollars to pay for the killing of unborn children.
President Obama indicated he would veto the entire federal spending bill — forcing a government shutdown — rather than accept a provision cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
In February 2011, the Obama Administration rescinded a regulation that had been issued by the Bush Administration, which would have protected health-care providers from being penalized for refusing to participate in providing abortions
But even more far-reaching than all of this, is how the president is impacting our health care system. In 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. Today, every fifth child dies from abortion; that number will go even higher because of ObamaCare. This program will enshrine abortion and rationing of health care in our society for generations to come if it isn’t stopped.
While some would like to call into question Mitt Romney’s pro-life position, let me state clearly and emphatically, “Mitt Romney IS pro-life.”
Roe v. Wade is the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. Mitt Romney believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
Please read the remainder of the article here
Editor’s note. The following is the opening statement from National Right to Life’s press conference this morning at which NRLC endorsed Mitt Romney for President.
National Right to Life is proud and honored to endorse Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States.
On pro-life issues, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama provide a stark contrast. As the country’s most pro-abortion president, Barack Obama has pursued a radical pro-abortion agenda. It is now time for pro-life Americans to unite behind Mitt Romney. For the sake of unborn children, the disabled, and the elderly, we must win.
Let’s review President Obama’s abysmal record on life.
On his second day in office, January 22, 2009, President Obama issued a statement reaffirming his commitment to defend the Roe v Wade ruling, which gave us abortion on demand. On his third day in office, he overturned the “Mexico City Policy” so that hundreds of millions of our tax dollars would be given to organizations that perform and promote abortion overseas. Our tax dollars are given to organizations that go into heavily pro-life countries in Central and South America, and Africa, and are used to lobby against the current pro-life laws in those countries.
Another of his early acts was to release $50 million to the United Nations Population Fund – an agency that had received no U.S. funds under the Bush Administration because of its involvement in China’s one-child population-control program, which relies heavily upon forced abortion as part of their population control policy. Forced abortions among women who violate the one-child policy in China are commonplace and sometimes carried out up to nine months of pregnancy. They can be so violent that the women die along with their full term babies.
President Obama authorized taxpayer funding of research that requires killing human embryos.
Last spring, the United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill to permanently prohibit any federal program from funding elective abortion. Prior to the vote, the Obama administration attacked the bill and threatened to veto it if passed. He wants our hard-earned tax dollars to pay for the killing of unborn children.
President Obama indicated he would veto the entire federal spending bill — forcing a government shutdown — rather than accept a provision cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
In February 2011, the Obama Administration rescinded a regulation that had been issued by the Bush Administration, which would have protected health-care providers from being penalized for refusing to participate in providing abortions
But even more far-reaching than all of this, is how the president is impacting our health care system. In 2010, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare. Today, every fifth child dies from abortion; that number will go even higher because of ObamaCare. This program will enshrine abortion and rationing of health care in our society for generations to come if it isn’t stopped.
While some would like to call into question Mitt Romney’s pro-life position, let me state clearly and emphatically, “Mitt Romney IS pro-life.”
Roe v. Wade is the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. Mitt Romney believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
Please read the remainder of the article here
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Stephen Green Discusses the Obama "Syndrome of Racism"
It was non-stop accusations of racism on the Sunday shows, especially with respect to critics of ObamaCare. Hear the details. Plus, Newt Gingrich basically conceded to Mitt Romney, but could Gov. John Kasich (OH) be on Romney's VP short list? Find out about these stories and more on this week's Hair of the Dog with Stephen Green.
Love the smack-down by George Will!!!
Watch the video here
Love the smack-down by George Will!!!
Watch the video here
Barak Obama,
George Will,
John Kasich,
Newt Gingrich,
Stephen Green
Voter Fraud 101, The Importance of Voter ID Laws
James O'Keefe proved how important it is to have voter ID laws in the United States after he revealed a video where someone attempted to vote illegally as Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder. See the O'Keefe footage, and hear why it's not too much to ask for identification from voters on Election Day.
From PJTV, watch the video here
From PJTV, watch the video here
Bill Whittle,
Eric Holder,
PJ Media,
Scott Ott,
Stephen Green,
voter fraud
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Petition now for (owned by Village Voice Media) to remove sex classifieds for children on
On March 29, protesters delivered 100 pairs of girls' shoes to Village Voice offices in New York, representing the children bought and sold for sex on the classifieds website, owned by Village Voice Media.
Along with the shoes came more than 225,000 signatures on a petition on calling on Village Voice Media to stop allowing child sex traffickers and pimps to advertise on their site. But the ads for sex with minors are still running.
Now, child sex trafficking survivor "Paula K." is asking the owners of Village Voice Media -- who were just revealed by New York Times columnist Nick Kristoff after intense investigation -- to use their power to stamp out child sex trafficking on for good. Click on the widget and make a change!
Along with the shoes came more than 225,000 signatures on a petition on calling on Village Voice Media to stop allowing child sex traffickers and pimps to advertise on their site. But the ads for sex with minors are still running.
Now, child sex trafficking survivor "Paula K." is asking the owners of Village Voice Media -- who were just revealed by New York Times columnist Nick Kristoff after intense investigation -- to use their power to stamp out child sex trafficking on for good. Click on the widget and make a change!
Obama lies about Planned Parenthood Doing Mammograms
Caught on tape, did he really not know the truth, or was he just too lazy to find out. Or did he know the truth and just out and out lie? While speaking to the White House Forum on Women and the Economy, President Obama falsely claimed that Planned Parenthood provides "preventive care, like mammograms, that millions of women rely on." The Susan B. Komen Foundation originally stated it would defund and stop supporting Planned Parenthood after finding out that they, indeed, had never performed a single mammogram in their history. However, several days later, they reversed that decision, saying that they would continue to fund existing grants, but would be rewriting grants specifically stating "We will amend the criteria to make clear that disqualifying investigations must be criminal and conclusive in nature and not political. That is what is right and fair.”
“We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities,” the statement continues.
The Washington Post February 3, 2012, wrote: Questions remained on several other reasons given by Komen about why it decided to defund Planned Parenthood. As Lena H.Sun, Sarah Kliff and N.C. Aizenman explained:
Executives of the Susan G. Komen Foundation gave a new explanation Thursday of their decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, but their contradictory statements failed to quell a rising controversy that led several of the organization’s affiliates to openly rebel.
Komen had said the decision was the result of newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations under investigation — affecting Planned Parenthood because of an inquiry by a Republican congressman.
On Thursday, Komen President Elizabeth Thompson told reporters that the funding decision was unrelated to the investigation into whether Planned Parenthood was illegally using federal funds to pay for abortions.
Komen founder Nancy Brinker said the organization wants to support groups that directly provide breast health services, such as mammograms. She noted that Planned Parenthood was providing only mammogram referrals.
The controversy raged across social media, with thousands of messages posted to Komen and Planned Parenthood Facebook pages and advocates on both sides rallying support on Twitter.
Some see the Komen debate as a warning sign to President Obama that he may face pressure from pro-choice advocates. As Rachel Weiner reported:
On Friday morning, the Susan B. Komen Foundation backed down from its decision to pull grants from Planned Parenthood.
More than 10,000 people donated to the family planning group in some way, according to President Cecile Richards. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged a $250,000 matching gift to the group.
While the foundation gave itself room to reject future grant applications from Planned Parenthood, the decision is a clear sign that outrage from pro-choice supporters left Komen spooked.
Should Obama be spooked too?
The president angered many pro-choice constituents with his decision to keep the emergency contraceptive Plan B off drugstore shelves.
More recently, Obama sided with women’s groups over Catholic bishops, refusing to exempt church-affiliated employers from covering birth control.
Of course, there are major differences here. Komen’s constituency is made up of people for whom women’s health issues are a primary concern. Obama’s constituency is much broader — in rejecting Catholic calls for a birth-control exemption, some argue he risks losing liberal Catholic support.
In 2008, 70.4 million women voted — 10 million more women than men. Obama won women by 13 points. In 2010 House race, women were evenly split.
While abortion is not a make-or-break issue for most female voters, access to contraception could prove more potent.
“We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities,” the statement continues.
The Washington Post February 3, 2012, wrote: Questions remained on several other reasons given by Komen about why it decided to defund Planned Parenthood. As Lena H.Sun, Sarah Kliff and N.C. Aizenman explained:
Executives of the Susan G. Komen Foundation gave a new explanation Thursday of their decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, but their contradictory statements failed to quell a rising controversy that led several of the organization’s affiliates to openly rebel.
Komen had said the decision was the result of newly adopted criteria barring grants to organizations under investigation — affecting Planned Parenthood because of an inquiry by a Republican congressman.
On Thursday, Komen President Elizabeth Thompson told reporters that the funding decision was unrelated to the investigation into whether Planned Parenthood was illegally using federal funds to pay for abortions.
Komen founder Nancy Brinker said the organization wants to support groups that directly provide breast health services, such as mammograms. She noted that Planned Parenthood was providing only mammogram referrals.
The controversy raged across social media, with thousands of messages posted to Komen and Planned Parenthood Facebook pages and advocates on both sides rallying support on Twitter.
Some see the Komen debate as a warning sign to President Obama that he may face pressure from pro-choice advocates. As Rachel Weiner reported:
On Friday morning, the Susan B. Komen Foundation backed down from its decision to pull grants from Planned Parenthood.
More than 10,000 people donated to the family planning group in some way, according to President Cecile Richards. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged a $250,000 matching gift to the group.
While the foundation gave itself room to reject future grant applications from Planned Parenthood, the decision is a clear sign that outrage from pro-choice supporters left Komen spooked.
Should Obama be spooked too?
The president angered many pro-choice constituents with his decision to keep the emergency contraceptive Plan B off drugstore shelves.
More recently, Obama sided with women’s groups over Catholic bishops, refusing to exempt church-affiliated employers from covering birth control.
Of course, there are major differences here. Komen’s constituency is made up of people for whom women’s health issues are a primary concern. Obama’s constituency is much broader — in rejecting Catholic calls for a birth-control exemption, some argue he risks losing liberal Catholic support.
In 2008, 70.4 million women voted — 10 million more women than men. Obama won women by 13 points. In 2010 House race, women were evenly split.
While abortion is not a make-or-break issue for most female voters, access to contraception could prove more potent.
Barak Obama,
Planned Parenthood,
Susan B. Komen
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Palin Smacks Down NBC's Lauer: GOP Ticket Will Be 'Clobbered' By 'Lamestream Media
Sarah tells it like it is. I sure wish she had thought to mention, when Lauer mentioned her credentials, or lack thereof, that she had a lot more experience running a state than Obama had in his extremely short and unimpressive political "career."
Lamestream Media,
Matt Lauer,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
From Breitbart's Big Hollywood: Hollywood's blacklist couldn't stop Chris Mitchum.

"My dad was essentially a philosophical anarchist,” laughs Chris Mitchum about his famous father Robert Mitchum.
“He thought that man was basically good and could govern himself, but he hated authority and didn’t care for heavy handed government. He thought government should just lay out the frame work, then stand back and let the game play itself out,” Mitchum says.
Talking with Mitchum at a Los Angeles watering hole frequented by entertainment industry conservatives seems a lot like what it might have been talking with his legendary father. There’s no pretense or phoniness, just an easy-going strength and straightforward congeniality.
There’s no bitterness in Mitchum's voice as he takes another sip of his iced tea and relates how just being associated with super star John Wayne suddenly sidelined his rise to fame and fortune.
“I did three pictures with John Wayne - 'Chisum,' 'Rio Lobo' and 'Big Jake' - and TV roles before that. It was Duke who got me a screen test with director Howard Hawks that completely changed my attitude 180 degrees about how to approach acting,” he says.
Read the rest here
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Rita Wilson, Who Do You Think You Are
Rita Wilson, who do you think you are and why are you trying to make America a socialist gulag?
By Coach Collins, on April 1st, 2012
By Kevin “Coach” Collins
Rita Wilson, who do you think you are and why are you trying to make America a socialist gulag?
A network television show called “Who do you think you are?”, which airs on Friday night’s, traces the family trees of celebrities. Many of the shows provide interesting and insightful looks into family histories, but some expose the hypocrisy of those whose families are featured. Rita Wilson the actress and current wife of Tom Hanks was exposed this week.
While most episodes trace people’s lineage back several generations, Wilson’s went back only to her father’s life in Eastern Europe from his birth in 1920 until his arrival here in America around 1950.
As the story goes her father, who was born a Muslim in Greece, was brought to Bulgaria as a child and had strong ties there. He was a conscript into the Bulgarian army and was by definition one of Hitler’s soldiers.
At some point he was tried and convicted of theft by the army and sent to prison which may be the first sign of his personal rectitude. If Hitler didn’t like him he was probably a good man. When the Communists took over Bulgaria, because of his love of freedom, they declared him an “Enemy of the State” and put him in a work camp.
Wilson’s father had to risk his life to escape and do who knows what to get away from socialism to come to America a country he truly loved even before he got here.
Please read remainder of article here
By Coach Collins, on April 1st, 2012
By Kevin “Coach” Collins
Rita Wilson, who do you think you are and why are you trying to make America a socialist gulag?
A network television show called “Who do you think you are?”, which airs on Friday night’s, traces the family trees of celebrities. Many of the shows provide interesting and insightful looks into family histories, but some expose the hypocrisy of those whose families are featured. Rita Wilson the actress and current wife of Tom Hanks was exposed this week.
While most episodes trace people’s lineage back several generations, Wilson’s went back only to her father’s life in Eastern Europe from his birth in 1920 until his arrival here in America around 1950.
As the story goes her father, who was born a Muslim in Greece, was brought to Bulgaria as a child and had strong ties there. He was a conscript into the Bulgarian army and was by definition one of Hitler’s soldiers.
At some point he was tried and convicted of theft by the army and sent to prison which may be the first sign of his personal rectitude. If Hitler didn’t like him he was probably a good man. When the Communists took over Bulgaria, because of his love of freedom, they declared him an “Enemy of the State” and put him in a work camp.
Wilson’s father had to risk his life to escape and do who knows what to get away from socialism to come to America a country he truly loved even before he got here.
Please read remainder of article here
Coach Collins,
Hollywood elite,
Rita Wilson,
Paul Harvey's Broadcast April 3, 1965
He was quite a man and I miss him. He appears to have been the Nostrodamus of his time.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Andrew Breitbart Lives, at Supreme Court Rally
Andrew Breitbart Lives, at Supreme Court Rally: Before John Solhan left for the anti-ObamaCare protest at the Supreme Court, he printed out a bunch of posters bearing Andrew Breitbart’s face. Breitbart, the conservative Internet publisher who challenged the mainstream media, died March 1. The black-and-white image of his face was recognizable to...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Abortion clinic sign: “Use deadly force only if necessary” - Jill Stanek
Sometimes, when we are really really lucky, the proabortion side shows its true colors. We could not have asked for a better representation than this foul-mouthed, Godless, uneducated, loud, and unkempt example of the face of the baby killers.
Abortion clinic sign: “Use deadly force only if necessary” - Jill Stanek
Abortion clinic sign: “Use deadly force only if necessary” - Jill Stanek
Deadly force,
Godless baby killers,
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