The picture above represents a child at 5 months, still able to be aborted in many states.
Pro-Abortion Advocates Praise Abortionist, Blast Pro-Life Efforts
Monday, January 04, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
(CNSNews.com) -- The pro-abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America is asking visitors to its Web site to cast votes for the person who has done the most for their movement. Nominees include abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who is one of the few to perform late-term abortions in his Nebraska clinic.
The group also nominated MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow to its annual "Hall of Fame" for her "thoughtful coverage" of the murder of another late-term abortionist, George Tiller, who was shot by a man known to have mental problems in May.
Others nominated for the “Hall of Fame” include Baltimore City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, for sponsoring a bill recently signed into law that requires non-profit pregnancy resource centers to post signs outside their facilities stating abortions and contraceptives are not provided or referred; and lawmakers Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Washington D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, who "blocked Washington, D.C.'s elected leaders from using locally raised funds to pay for abortion services for low-income women."
The pro-life activist group Operation Rescue issued a statement on its Web site after the late-December posting of the nominations, calling NARAL an "aging feminist group" and recounting the successful efforts of Operation Rescue and three other pro-life organizations to have Carhart's abortion clinics investigated by the Nebraska attorney general's office and the State Department of Health.
“It is hard to believe that even radical abortion proponents would do anything but slink away in shame from Carhart and his disreputable and shoddy abortion business,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman in the statement. “It is shameful that NARAL would endanger women by misleading them about Carhart to advance their political agenda.”
"If they truly cared about women, they should be warning women away from him," Newman said.
NARAL also is collecting votes for its "Hall of Shame," which it says picks the person or organization that has most harmed the pro-abortion movement.
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) (AP photo)
This year's nominees include Rep. Bart Stupak (R-Mich.) and Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who NARAL said "led the charge to use health reform to attack choice”; Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer, who is charged with reversing then-Governor Janet Napolitano's pro-abortion efforts; all lawmakers in Oklahoma that are backing efforts to have anonymous information about women who have abortions posted on the Internet (to provide a database about abortion decision, those lawmakers say); and Personhood USA, which NARAL says "exists solely to establish legal rights for fertilized eggs and trigger legal battles over abortion that could go all the way to the Supreme Court."
But the grassroots organization that is pushing for legislation recognizing a human being's rights from the moment of conception forward is not disputing its nomination.
"We at Personhood USA are honored to be considered one of the top four threats to abortion in America," Keith Mason, co-founder of the group that he helped launch one year ago," said in a statement. "Preborn babies are human beings with a God-given right to live.”
He added that NARAL had correctly described his group as "working to outlaw abortion, recognizing Personhood (sic) rights of every child in America."
Pro-life activist, author and nurse Jill Stanek noted on her Web site that NARAL failed to name the four measures Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law, so Stanek did: 1) partial-birth abortion ban; 2) ban against non-physicians performing abortions; 3) conscience protection of pro-life health care workers not to participate in abortion; and 4) informed consent that includes a 24-hour waiting period and explanation of the risks of abortion.
In its “Hall of Fame” posting, NARAL also mourned the loss of late-term abortionist George Tiller, who was murdered, and Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), who are described as men who “lived by the credo, ‘Trust Women.’”
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